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Lord David Alton |
Esta é uma
transcrição integral, no inglês original, da minha curta conversa com Lorde
David Alton. Decorreu no passado mês de Setembro, 2017, durante uma recepção no
Parlamento Britânico, que ele organizou para os participantes no Simpósio de
Imprensa convocado pela Alliance Defending Freedom. A reportagem portuguesa está aqui.
Is religious liberty and freedom of conscience
under threat in Western Europe and in the UK specifically?
18 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights insists that it is every
person's right to believe, not to believe or to change their belief, and all
three elements are under attack both here in countries like the UK, where
people are discriminated against, or outright persecution in countries like
Saudi Arabia, or China, where it is impossible to follow your beliefs in the
way you would wish.
So there
is a sort of hierarchy. It would be absurd to suggest that in countries like
the UK that it is as difficult to be a Christian as it is in North Korea,
obviously that is absurd, but nevertheless we should be careful about the
erosion of our fundamental freedoms.
attacks come in a slightly different way. The devil comes in carpet slippers, in
a society like this. So you see a harbinger in the dismissal of two catholic
nurses, midwives, in Scotland, who refused to collaborate in an abortion. They
said they are called to deliver babies, not to take their lives. As a result of
that they lost their jobs. If they had been doctors they would have been
protected under a conscience clause. But because they are not doctors they
weren't, and I think we need to strengthen our laws so that conscience prevails
in situations of that kind.
There is one case I know affected you
personally, to do with the Catholic adoption agencies, at the time of gay
adoption legislation. Are these the types of situation which are mounting up to
pose a threat to conscience protection?
Yes, and
society loses a great deal when it discriminates against religious communities
because it can't accept that they are entitled to have a different view about
something such as adoption or marriage. These are fundamental questions that
affect people in a very personal way, and people have got to learn to live and
let live.
the closure of adoption agencies hurts children, it becomes part of an
ideology, the latest of which is gender ideology. And I think we have got to
stand firm against these things and say that you must learn to live alongside
us respectfully, and we must learn to live alongside you respectively. Its the
dignity of difference.
You mentioned Tim Farron and Reese Mogg in your
speech... Is it in fact becoming increasingly difficult, or even impossible, to
hold public office and espouse religious beliefs?
Well, it
goes up and down. If you think, here we are standing on the terrace of
Parliament. If you think back 200 years, there was a young man who was the
youngest member of the House of Commons, who was criticised for trying to
impose his Christian views on the House of Commons. His name was William
Wilberforce. He was opposed to slavery. It took him 40 years to challenge
people's belief that it was their right to choose to own another human being as
a slave, merely because of the colour of their skin. If he had accepted the
criticism that he had no right to argue his beliefs in our House of Commons, we
would probably have slavery with us to this very day.
So in every generation you have to be willing to take a hit. People don't like what you have to say, that doesn't mean it is wrong. The beauty of democracy is that you have to win the argument. Why are they so frightened of even hearing the arguments? Why are they saying that someone like Tim Farron shouldn't be able to lead a political party because of his Christian Faith? Why are they saying that someone like Jacob Rees-Mogg shouldn't be a Conservative member of Parliament because he opposes abortion? If they are in favour of choice, let them also be in favour of also hearing alternative views, and let people then choose which one they happen to want to support. It shows a fear, I think, on the part of people who are opposed to things that men like Tim Farron and Jacob Rees-Mogg stand for.
So in every generation you have to be willing to take a hit. People don't like what you have to say, that doesn't mean it is wrong. The beauty of democracy is that you have to win the argument. Why are they so frightened of even hearing the arguments? Why are they saying that someone like Tim Farron shouldn't be able to lead a political party because of his Christian Faith? Why are they saying that someone like Jacob Rees-Mogg shouldn't be a Conservative member of Parliament because he opposes abortion? If they are in favour of choice, let them also be in favour of also hearing alternative views, and let people then choose which one they happen to want to support. It shows a fear, I think, on the part of people who are opposed to things that men like Tim Farron and Jacob Rees-Mogg stand for.
In terms of conscience protection and
traditional values, is Brussels an obstacle or a help in this situation?
I think
it very much depends on the issue. You take an issue like human embryology, our
laws, which permit the destruction of human embryos over the first 14 days of
their life, has led to the destruction of 2 million human embryos. We've even
permitted the creation of animal human hybrid embryos. This is something that
is prohibited in most EU countries and not facilitated by the EU.
things like the abortion laws. We allow abortion up to and even during birth,
on a baby with a disability, and up to 24 weeks gestation in other
circumstances. The EU average term limit is around 12 weeks. So who'se laws are
more liberal, and who's are more conservative? But take euthanasia, and in
Holland and in Belgium they have permissive euthanasia laws. In Holland more
than 4000 people die every year from Euthanasia, 1.000 of which are without the
consent of the patient. In this country, the UK, we have prohibited that. So
this is a debate which is running at different levels in different
jurisdictions. This isn't about left or right, its about right or wrong. Its
not about being European or British, its about standing four square in the
belief that every human being is made in the image of God, that they are
therefore unique and worthy of our protection.
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